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June 26, 2009

Say ’No’ to ’Transformers 2,’ Too

Transformers 2 Sounds like the new Transformers movie (thanks to Fred for the link) is just as bad as Year One. I love movies, and I don't mind seeing good ones more than once in the theater. But, so far this summer, only Up and Star Trek have earned the right to my repeat business. What about you?

(Image © DreamWorks/Paramount)

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Steve (SBK)

The question is... why did I get my hopes up after the first Transformers debacle? I will still be going to see this but why can't they do a good job on these things?
I'm really not looking forward to seeing LaBeouf and Fox paraded out as examples of cool.
Seriously, I could probably make a better movie with the only dialogue being the sound of Autobots and Decepticons transforming.

Dan Gill

Only Up and Star Trek have earned the right to my first-time business.

Jason Taylor

I'll talk, I'll talk!


I haven't seen Transformers yet but I think it is all matter of opinion. Star Trek was a decent movie but ruined all the future time lines of Star Trek plus Spock and Ururha together was horrible so making Star Trek not a really good movie overall.

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