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« War on the unborn | Main | The Point Radio: Parenting Dad-Style »

June 18, 2009

Daily roundup

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Jim D.

Great links, thanks.



I was about to post "George Tiller, Abortion, and Moral Clarity," but beat me to it. Joseph Phillips' commentary really puts into perspective how the devaluing of unborn babies leads to the devaluing of human life in general. Hence, we have a growing trend of shooters who think they are God and thus have the "right" to take the lives students, abortionists, soldiers, mall shoppers, security guards, etc.?



Regarding the two-parent commentary, I applaud a pro-feminist woman admitting that feminism has contributed to the breakdown of the family. Sure, NOW will brand her a traitor, but she is speaking the truth.

The only thing I'll add is how abortion has diminished the role of fathers, thus damaging the family. Read Armstrong Williams' column on this crisis here:


God bless.

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