The Blog Tour Continues |
by Catherine Larson |
This week I'm talking with Dan Cruver at Together for Adoption about As We Forgive. Here's a little from their website on what they are all about:
Together for Adoption (T4A) sponsors adoption conferences that focus primarily on vertical adoption (i.e., God adopting us in Christ), with a secondary focus on its implications for orphan care and horizontal adoption (i.e., couples adopting children). In fulfillment of our objectives, we desire to see conference attendees walk away from a T4A event:
- understanding why it is that vertical adoption is the highest blessing of the gospel
- rejoicing afresh in the gospel
- moved to act on James 1:27 both locally and globally
I'm giving special emphasis in this interview to the stories in the book that center on the lives of Rwanda's orphans.
Also, yesterday, the book got a mention at Touchstone's Mere Comments. Thanks to Jordan Ballor of the Acton Institute for the shout out!
Lots of adopted kids in our family.
GO ADOPTION. Note - my teen daughter tells me some high school kids think adoption is bad for kids.
So pro adoption organizations might want to be aware of what current teen/collest student attitudes are...
Posted by: vikingmother | May 06, 2009 at 01:03 PM