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May 20, 2009

And They Wanted Him Dead

Armas My daughter, Rebecca, sent me that Gallup survey showing that Americans are becoming more pro-life than pro-death. Hurray for our country! (Here's a little heartwarming story: When Rebecca was a young teen we watched a show featuring a remarkable fetal surgery, and she became pro-life after watching the little guy's hands curl around the physician's fingers.)

Yesterday, I saw this article about that same little boy, whom many would have targeted for termination. I pray we're becoming a country where such advocacy would be unthinkable.

(Image © the Armas family)

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I know I was pro-life before watching that show but I didn’t realize why until I saw the little baby's hand reach out and touch the doctor’s hand. Every unborn life is worth saving. Now I have 2 wonderful sons and I could not image life without them.


We have an adopted son (from underage teen on streets---on drugs).

My mom recently told me she was moving to pro human life---and my little guy was a big reason.

Maybe some with cash and access to key publications could run pro adoption--ads with, say, pictures of adopted people...known---not known...all sorts of ages & abilities!!!

When you start hearing who around you was adopted---you then realize all the HOLES that would be there if these persons did not exist.

(Around us - father of a daughter's classmate, son's Boy Scout leader, daughter's former youth leader, SIX cousins of my kids...there's more but that's what occurs to me now...

Kim Moreland

I also sometimes wonder how many inventions,cures, etc., for instance, will never be found because a particular person isn't around to discover it.

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