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May 18, 2009

Racing for Prisoners' Kids: Follow-Up

My sincere thanks to all of you who donated to provide Storybook Dads kits to prisoners' children through my race yesterday. I'd hoped to raise enough to cover the costs for 12 Storybook Dads kits, but -- between those who donated at my page and Joe's fabulous pledge at The Point -- you all provided a total of TWENTY-SEVEN kits for TWENTY-SEVEN prisoners' kids! You all are the BEST!

My sincerest thanks to:

  • Joe -- wow, a kit per mile! THANKS!
  • Creation Waits Photography -- $50!! Yowza!
  • Dennis Babish -- thanks so much!
  • Zoe -- thank vous!
  • Ron Humphrey -- you're the best!
  • Anonymous -- (I know who you are, but your identity is safe with me!) Thanks tons!

Race details, for those interested, are below. THANKS all!

Details, in no particular order:

1. Freakout Time: On Saturday afternoon, I realized, "Oh, I'm not actually registered for the Historic Half!  I actually registered for a May 3 race ... which I didn't attend. Brilliant." So I hastily registered. The bummer is that, so far, evidently due to the last-minute registration, the race event systems aren't showing my times or anything. I'm hoping there weren't any problems that I won't be able to solve soon with the race folks.

2. Race Day: Far Too Little Preparation + Total Downpour = Suffering. I was freezing and ran out of gas, big time, around Mile 9 or so. So I missed my target time by five minutes, although -- to be honest -- I was just happy to finish.

3. Parental Awesomeness: My dad woke up at 4 a.m. to meet me down in Fredericksburg, Virginia, for the race. You rule, Dad!

Again, sincerest thanks to you all for the funding and the prayers. Given the problems I've been having recently with injuries, I was really concerned that one of my injuries would flare up and prevent my finishing. So I was grateful for the prayer and the outcome.


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OK, they corrected results to add my time, and ...


...I finished just 59 minutes after the race leader! So close ... practically a photo finish!



You actually had a target time? MY HERO! I would have been thrilled to finish in the same day. Oh by the way, a photo finish qualifies you for the next one...


Where's the sweet photo that they always post? Come on, Allen, you know you want to show everyone that "oops, was that the camera?" moment:)

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