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May 05, 2009

Absolutely hysterical

Doris-day In discussing Harvard Law professor Mary Ann Glendon's decision to decline the University of Notre Dame's Laetare Medal, MSNBC described the medal and previous recipients thusly:

The Laetare medal (pronounced Lay-tah-ray) was established in 1883, and is considered one of the oldest and prestigious awards that can be given to an American Catholic. It’s given out annually at the University of Notre Dame commencement ceremony. Previous recipients include President John F. Kennedy, Catholic Worker founder Doris Day, and fictional American president Martin Sheen, who received the award last year.

Did you catch that? The Catholic Worker movement was founded by a bubbly blond actress who starred in "Pillow Talk" with Rock Hudson!

MSNBC has since fixed its error, but the story is another reminder that when it comes to covering religion, the MSM is two-plus-two-is-three brainless.

Or as the other Miss Day might say, "Que sera, sera."

For more on the REAL founder of the Catholic Worker movement, click here.

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