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April 17, 2009

Daily roundup

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Jason Taylor

I have sometimes suspected something like the link between autism and genius. While it is a stereotype, there do seem to be more then a few geniuses who are rather-different.

Come to think of it I had to be taught several fairly basic social skills by rote and while couldn't swear to my genius(and it doesn't matter much anyway), I am at least "clever".

It is an interesting topic albeit sensitive. Though it does bring out the point that the very ones conducting this research will be the sort of people who are under this theory "different".

Jason Taylor

The President pledged to make sure the action described in his memos will "never take place again"? What in the world is he going to do, repeal Original Sin?

More seriously, has anyone ever stopped to think that low-key hostile interrogation on a hardened prisoner might be worse in some ways? It seems obvious that he would be impossible to break and therefore it would be gratuituous. Not to recommend higher intensity torture, but it does seem that that is an angle not looked at.

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