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March 16, 2009

Distraction Games with Human Life

(Ed. note: Please join us in welcoming Billy to The Point! His bio will be up on the Contributors page shortly. --GRD)

A few more thoughts on President Obama's Executive Order lifting the ban on embryonic stem cell research:

Beyond the fact that this is morally wrong, it is a strange time to bring about such a bill. Congress is supposedly hard at work saving the economy from ruin. Then why is it also pushing to create controversial legislation opening up research opportunities that will take years to produce any sort of advancement? Obama himself claims that the promised cures will come about from “painstaking and costly research.” This is nothing more than a political ploy by liberal leaders to push their ideology on our country while we are all clinging to hope that the economy will turn around. 

President Obama also said, “Some of our best scientists leave for other countries that will sponsor their work. And those countries may surge ahead of ours in the advances that transform our lives." He seems to be placing ethics and morality aside so we can claim scientific advances that trump human rights. 

With many members of Congress and many voters adamantly resisting the killing of babies whether in a Petri dish or in the womb, this is a rough start to a presidency. For a man who positioned himself in his campaign for president as a man who could reach all Americans, he has isolated himself from those who want to uphold the dignity of every human life.

To allow embryonic stem cell research continues a dangerous trend in America that began with the legalization of abortion. That act opened the floodgates allowing abortion doctors to prey on women, rather than consider their medical needs. Similarly, now that embryonic stem cell research is legal, we will see a market in which people are bought and sold, resulting in an untold number of deaths in the coming years.

In the words of Pope John Paul II, “A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.”  It is the responsibility of Christians to stand up at every opportunity and condemn the practice of killing innocent human beings for our own benefit and comfort.

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Rolley Haggard

Welcome, Billy! You hit a home run on the first pitch, bro!


A few things to note: First, Obama promised that he would do this during the election. There is no liberal plot here. A campaign promise kept, which a majority of the population agrees with. And as for isolating himself from folks like those who write for this blog, he never had you guys anyway, by virtue of his party initial, and you know what, he really does not need you.


He also then signed a bill outlawing this human vivisection called 'embryonic stem cell research', that contrary to Andy's assertion, is in fact opposed by the majority of the American people when they are allowed to find out what it really is.

Ben W

Err.. links? I hadn't heard of the bill outlawing the research, nor any data about Americans being mostly opposed to it.

Here's a link summarizing relevant polls (stem cell research is about 1/4 way down the page):

Billy Atwell

First, I believe this move WAS a liberal ploy. Just because he promised this during the campaign, doesn't mean ideological overtones aren't weighing heavily on Obama's decisions.

Second, Evangelicals and Catholics are opposed to embryonic stem cell research. Killing embryos is inherently against their stated beliefs. Why should I assume followers of Evangelicalism and Catholicism believe differently than what their Churches proclaim?

Third, the methodology of the "Time" poll's question sited by Ben W. is poorly worded and misleading. The question is prefaced with two statements speaking about the potential benefits to embryonic stem cell research. That is misleading to an uninformed "likely voter." The CNN poll, two down from the "Time" poll, shows the "should" and "should not" pollers being much closer, especially given the margin of error.

Again, because studies like the US Religious Landscape Survey, done by The PEW Forum on Religion and Public Life, shows Evangelicals and Roman Catholics making up more than 50% of America, we should conclude that most of America disapproves of killing human embryos.

Ben W

"Again, because studies like the US Religious Landscape Survey, done by The PEW Forum on Religion and Public Life, shows Evangelicals and Roman Catholics making up more than 50% of America, we should conclude that most of America disapproves of killing human embryos."

Non sequitur - there are evangelicals and RC that are okay with killing embryos, or that believe that you can conduct stem cell research using ones dead from natural purposes. Whether these are true is irrelevant, so long as people believe them.


I typed in the phrase "stemcellresearch".

When I hit RETURN, I got various ad links on stem cells (at least ONE advertising as ADULT stem cells---haven't investigated the rest...)

I also got this just updated LINK site

It's called "Do No Harm" and isLOADED with links about the ADULT STEM CELLS, and their good to GREAT successes and CURRENT treatments
---and almost every link on it is to the AMAZING work being done with ADULT stem cells as well as some position papers against embryonic stem cells

...and here I pause...as I have been almost SCREAMING about the overdose of women in fertility clincs - the overdosing of college girls/women who might sell their eggs - with fertility drugs to OVERPRODUCE many more than ONE EGG per month...to fertilize embryos---These drugs are possibel health risks Yes, this site has a link where the UNPUBLICIZED risk to women is discussed...

Scroll to the very bottom of the page for the credentials of this site's overseers...Includes Mayo Clinic, Georgetown, former FDA commissioner....

Once again////http://www.stemcellresearch.org/
I LOVE that link!

And yet we may well do a $$$ "bailout" on the still unsafe embryonic stem cells...!

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