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« Devilish thoughts on abortion | Main | The end of tolerance »

February 13, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes

(Via The Other McCain)

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Zoe Sandvig

How old do you have to be to be president, again?

Rolley Haggard

Zoe, this is incredible. Right after I watched this video, I went to post my comment here. My comment was going to be (I kid you not), "How old do you have to be to be president?"


She makes VERY good points here, especially the 1% statistic of "hard cases" of abortion and the tough reality about rights vs. responsibilities.

She has clearly thought long and hard about this; how has the pro abortion side responded to this? Just another child "sullied" by religion I suppose? That's a hard case to make here, indeed.

Mary Beth

I am involved in a ministry to the hurting called Healing Hearts. It was started by a woman who had an abortion and suffered from it. Women who are post-abortion take a Bible study called Binding Up the Broken-hearted. Men take The Wounded Warrior. Other women with other problems are helped through the Hem of His Garment study. I would strongly encourage anyone suffering to take one of these studies. God loves you and wants you to come to Him and rest in His love and forgiveness for you.

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