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October 16, 2008


Inspired by Andrew Ferguson's article "Twits on Parade" in the new Weekly Standard, I've begun a limerick (in the spirit of the immortal "A tooter who tooted a flute)":

A twitter who twitted a tweet
Heard his tweet had been deemed indiscreet.

. . . And I'm stuck. Someone want to help out?

(It's interesting, by the way, that articles about Twitter keep bringing up bathroom-related examples of tweets.)

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Said he, "I don't care
It's my right to share
with my public where I take my seat!"

Gina Dalfonzo


Jimmy Davis

With his soul now embittered
Tweeted to "tattler twitter"
That "never the twain shall tweet."

That's my best shot, Gina.

Rolley Haggard


A twitter who twitted a tweet
Heard his tweet had been deemed indiscreet.
"Indiscretion", he tweeted
"By the masses is greeted,
So join them and fall at my feet."


A twitter who twitted a tweet
Heard his tweet had been deemed indiscreet.
"Make me quit, then, you twit,
With superior wit,
Or else kindly get back in your seat."


But with this one I have to issue an “indiscreet language alert”, because what began as an innocent play on verb tenses to coin a new word actually turned out, ironically, to employ a “word” to which vulgar meaning already attached. My apologies, but I would prefer to try to redeem a word than concede its eternal ignominy.


Steve (SBK)

But as a twit who was coarse,
continued to beat his dead-horse,
a rotting carcass he took for prime meat.

Gina Dalfonzo

We have so much talent here!

(Rolley, re: #3, while the idea is noble, I'm afraid some words may be beyond redemption.)

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